Thursday, 5 December 2013

15 Unbelievable Psychiatric Syndromes You Didn’t Know About

psychiatric syndromesThe nature in general and our own psyche in particular are very crafty in creating states we know little about. People constantly experience something unusual, and a lot has already been studied and named in honor of famous writers, artists, book characters, psychiatrists and other individuals. And it is not a bad idea for us, as educated people, to learn about when and what kind of trick our body will come up with next.

This article presents 15 interesting syndromes, and this information will help us in becoming more knowledgeable and understanding of the way in which the human body functions.

The Stendhal Syndrome involves dizziness, fainting, heart palpitations and sometimes hallucinations when an individual is surrounded by fine artwork or incredibly beautiful scenery.

The name of the syndrome is based on one of the books by the French writer Stendhal, in which he described his emotions while visiting Florence: “When I left the Church of the Holy Cross, my heart was pounding, I thought that life had slowly drained out, I walked being afraid to fall on the ground … I had seen masterpieces born by the energy of passion, when everything else becomes meaningless, unimportant, limited, just as when the wind of passion stops pushing on the sails, which move the human soul, then it becomes devoid of passion and, therefore, its vices and virtues”.

We bet you are thinking about the artist’s ear? And you are almost correct. This syndrome is expressed by the fact that a patient is very insisting on going through a surgery, or even, frightful to know, will attempt to perform surgery on himself.

It is an amazing ability of women that spend a lot of time together to synchronize their menstrual cycles after a short period of time spent together. Scientists say that pheromones that the women detect in the air are the culprit. And one more interesting fact. Cycles of all women adjust to the cycle of the alpha female, even though sometimes this female does not even exist.

This kind of megalomania, which occurs only in Jerusalem. A tourist, who arrived in the ancient city for religious purposes, or on pilgrimage, suddenly decides that he or she is endowed with divine and prophetic abilities. He or she is the one who has to save the world. An indispensable addition to a variety of symptoms is their theatricality in speech and gestures.
This syndrome is ranked as a psychosis and requires involuntary hospitalization.

Another trick of an unstable nervous system is also played out in a special place. It most commonly affects calm and polite Japanese tourists. They go to the proverbial land of dreams, shrouded in an aura of romance and street cafes, but end up in a quite aggressive city with swarms of immigrants, no one really wants to pamper them, people are rude and streets are filled with theft. Because of this, about 20 Japanese a year suffer from acute delirious thinking, feel being stalked, detached from reality, or their own personality, experience anxiety and other mental issues. The best way to treat the Paris syndrome is to immediately send the sufferer home.

Also known as “bystander effect.” People who witnessed extraordinary circumstances often try to stay away from helping the victims. The likelihood that any of the witnesses will help the victim decreases as more people will just stand there and watch. One of the main ways to cope with this effect and hope for help is picking a person randomly from the crowd and personally asking him for help.

This is a consuming love obsession or longing for love and romance, hurtful passion without reciprocity. This syndrome got its name because of a real story that happened to the daughter of Victor Hugo, Adele.

Adele met an English lieutenant Albert Pinson and immediately decided that he is a man of her life. We cannot say for sure whether he was a heartless scoundrel who betrayed her feelings, or a victim of erotic inclinations. In any event, Pinson has not reciprocated, regardless of her beauty, nor her father’s fame. Adele chased him around the world, lied to everyone that they are already married, and in the end became completely insane.

This is a kind of hypochondria, when everything hurts or aches and nothing helps, but it is only an
illusion. It is a psychological disorder when a person pretends to be experiencing or exaggerates or knowingly creates symptoms of a disease to undergo medical examination, treatment, hospitalization and so on. The conventional explanation for Munchausen syndrome states that the simulation of the disease is a way to get attention, care, affection and emotional support.

From Hollywood films, we know that Stockholm Syndrome is a situation in which a hostage begins to understand the perpetrator, and even sympathize with him and provide various forms of assistance. Psychologists call this “protective subconscious traumatic relationship.”

However, it is not a psychological paradox or a mental disorder, but rather a normal reaction of the psyche. Moreover, it is a very rare situation, happening in about 8% of the cases related to hostage-taking.

Diogenes is famous for deciding to live in a barrel and behaving as an inveterate sociopath and misanthrope. This syndrome is named after him (and is also referred to as a senile squalor syndrome) and manifests itself more or less resembling this situation. It involves extremely dismissive attitude toward oneself, isolation from society, apathy, hoarding and absence of shame.

It can be said that this syndrome is experienced by those who actively try to remain young, devoting a lot of time and energy to look young and beautiful at any cost. It manifests itself in using items intended for younger generation, wearing clothes in a youth style, and can lead to abusing plastic surgery and cosmetic products. Sometimes this disorder ends with depression and even suicide attempts.

If you meet someone who suddenly starts to complain that he has rotted guts, no heart, he cannot ever sleep, telling you about nihilistic-depressive or hypochondriac delusions, combined with the ideas of self-importance or greatness unprecedented in the history of mankind, or that he or she is an offender, who had infected countless partners with syphilis or AIDS, poisoned the whole world with fetid breath, or reporting with drama that he or she would soon have to pay for what he or she has done, and all the pain in the world will seem nonsense compared to the suffering that he or she is about to face as a punishment, then call an ambulance and make it known to the health workers that this is a case of the Cotard’s syndrome.

Alien hand syndromeIt is another syndrome in psychiatry, also known as syndrome of mental automatism. Something related to “I see little green men telling me what to do” or “My legs direct me where I need to go, I have no control over them”.

Often referred to as “coprolalia“, an abnormal and irresistible urge to shout out obscene words, although this is only one side of Tourette’s syndrome. Often used in movies. Interestingly, the word “coprolalia” can be translated from Greek as “verbal diarrhea“.

If you watched the last part of “Harry Potter”, you will remember how Peter Pettigrew was strangled by his own hand. In many other films and cartoons something similar also happens, but it is not a work of fiction writers. The alien hand syndrome does exist, and is complex and not a treatable disorder.

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